From the back of his mother, he gazed at the place where he left the little girl. She was not there anymore.
The little boy pulled away and got mixed with the crowd. He looked here and there for the girl in pink balloon dress and matching ribbon.
“SunAh, come here,” he heard. He saw her running from the crowd to the woman whose voice he heard.
“ What is it, umma?” she asked.
“Stop wondering around, SunAh. You may get lost in the crowd, “the woman told the little girl and smiled at her mother.
The little boy stared at her for a moment. He was mesmerized by the smile. He wanted to approach her but he was shy so he went back to his parents. From the table, he tried his best not to be spotted staring at the little girl in the cute pink dress.
“Where have you been?” his mother asked.
“At the beverage table,” he answered.
“Your attention, please,” a voice announced in the microphone. Everybody paused at whatever they were doing. “Before we proceed with the party, let me extend my thankful appreciation to all of you for coming here. My family and I appreciate your presence. To show our appreciation, my youngest daughter SunAh will give you a dance.”
The girl in pink and cute braid graced the stage and smiled to everybody. A slow music aired. The little girl started to sway gracefully in the stage. She made a pirouette and extended her arm gracefully.
Cameras flashed here and there.
SunAh came running towards Cherry and Lyn.
“What happened?” Cherry asked.
“Super Junior will be coming to California!” she exclaimed.
“AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH!” the girls shouted eagerly.
“No way!” Lyn started.
“No kidding, girls.” SunAh said excitedly.
“How’d you know?” Cherry asked.
“My friends in Korea told me!”
Then the girls started shouting their lungs out and jumped around excitedly.
Eyes looked at their ways fiercely. The three university girls didn’t care, though.
Sungmin, Eunhyuk and Donghae looked at the pictures on the wall of the studio where Manager Hyung brought them.
An 8R picture of a girl in pink ballet dress caught the attention of Sungmin. “Is she Korean?” he asked the hyung who was accompanying them.
“Ah, yes, she is. She’s been a student of this studio starting when she was young until now, although she is in the university already.” The hyung answered.
The three of them added although they didn’t quite catch all the words that the man said.
Sungmin stared at the picture. He was sure he already saw her somewhere.
“Problem, hyung?” Ryeowook asked.
Sungmin smiled and shook his head.
The door opened and the three girls came in. They were shocked to see them there so they were stocked by the door.
The man accompanying the Super Junior saw the newcomers and let them in. “These are some of our ballet dancers, SunAh, Lyn and Cherry. SunAh was the one in the picture,” the man introduced while pointing at the picture Sungmin was looking at a while ago.
“Nice to meet you,” Kangin stood up and bowed at the ladies. “I’m Kangin…,” he said in English. “and we are Super Junior—eoyo!” they said all together. The girls stared at them. They couldn’t believe their luck as well as the fact that Suju is acting like how Suju act in the TV.
“Nice to meet you, too.” Lyn said. The ladies bowed back at the boys.
“We will just get our things.” Cherry said still staring at them.
“Ok,” George, the man accompanying Suju said.
Cherry pulled the girls away and went directly to the students’ locker.
The three girls locked the door and stared at each other. They shouted and jumped silently afraid that they will be heard outside.
“What shall we do?” Lyn asked while whispering.
“Let’s ask for their autograph,” Cherry answered eagerly.
“Wouldn’t it be so low?” SunAh asked also trying to whisper.
“Atleast we met them in person.”
The girls started fanning at their faces, in their eyes was the evidence of excitement, their heart was drumming wildly, and they were blushing.
SunAh…SunAh…SunAh…Sungmin kept on repeating the name in his mind. The picture and the name…where did he meet her?
“Those girls are pretty,” Leeteuk commented.
The boys laughed as Eunhyuk did his chest pump. “I think they like me.” He said.
Donghae shoved a pillow at him.
The man on the studio showed them to the house they will be staying for two days so they were now trying to rest but instead they found themselves pillow fighting. They will be traveling straight after their fan meeting. They had to follow their schedule strictly. That meant they don’t have time to sleep anymore but on the plane itself.
Their manager came in and drummed on the door to make them aware that he was there. “You may rest for a while and then you have an interview on ABN Late Night Show,” he said.
"Arasso, hyung!" they answered.
One by one, they went to their rooms to take a nap.
Sungmin woke up after two hours of sleep to see Kibum and Kyuhyun emerged in their PSP in the living room.
"Didn't you two take a rest?" he asked.
"Some fans sent some new PSP games, hyung. We just want to try it immediately," Kyuhyun answered.
"You will be tired later if you won't take a rest." he exclaimed.
"We're used to it." Kyuhyun answered smiling at his sanbae.
Ryeowook came in with two bowls on his hand. "Somebody sent us some soup," he said and gave one to Sungmin.
The door opened to reveal their manager, in his hands was a large package. "These things kept on coming," he said and put it on the table.
They opened it to see a huge tray of spaghetti.
The foods, flowers, and stuffs kept on coming from their Californian fans.
"I hope they see the spaghetti," Lyn commented while they were watching a live Super Junior interview at ABN later that night.
The other two shrugged.
"Sungmin is so cute!" SunAh commented.
"Do you think we will be able to come near them on the fan meeting tommorrow?" Cherry asked.
"So near, yet so far!" Lyn said.
"Can you believe it, they are like living next to our dorm and yet we can't even get to them," Cherry said annoyedly.
SunAh mouthed.
The fan meeting was crowded than expected. Cherry pulled the two girls towards the back. It was a privileged that the girls were staffers of ELF California.
"Girls, I'm glad you're here," the administrator said. "I need you to bring more albums and souvenir to the souvenir shop," she asked them.
"Sure Andy, no problem." Lyn said.
"Thanks girls, this place is really jumped pack." She commented.
The packs of souvenirs and CDs were at the dressing room so they need to go there.
"They could have chosen a bigger venue if they have known this will happen." SunAh said.
The girls knocked on the dressing room door. Eunhyuk opened the door for them. Cherry almost knocked on her kneed when she saw him.
"We came here to get something." SunAh said so Eunhyuk let them in.
SunAh met Sungmin's eyes and her heart beat faster so she withdraw and looked for the package.
They immediately spotted it and went to get it fast. As much as how much they wanted to stay there, their body betrayed them because any moment they would eventually fall down in a faint. And the last thing SunAh wanted to do was to be seen by Sungmin in the floor fainting.
"That was a major shock wave," Lyn said. "I was dying to meet them and yet I can't stand to be inside that room with them."
"Same here," Cherry agreed.
"You almost fainted there, Cher," SunAh commented.
"Whoa, so those girls are ELFs hah." Donghae exclaimed smiling.
"So I can consider them as my girlfriends, now." Leeteuk said happily. "They are really cute.
"Hey, be careful, hyung," Siwon said with a knowing stare at his sanbae.
The others laugh.
30 days later...
Little boys Sungmin was playing with his toy robot when the little girl in cute pink balloon dress with matching ribbon on her braided her sat next to him...
Sungmin woke up at the middle of the night. After a busy schedule, he had a good sleep but was interrupted by a dream... a very nice dream that he had been dreaming from time to time in 15 years, but at the moment it was more special... "Kim SunAh..." he murmured.
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